"Water is priceless..." World Water Day Contest

dripping faucet

USEPA federally mandated, NYSDEC administered Village of Ardsley Stormwater Management Program is all about keeping our runoff water clean.  Picking up after your pet, using less landscape chemicals, bringing your car to a car wash where they recycle water and just plain conserving water are some of the things to do.
And it’s all because all the water we have on earth right now is all the water we’re ever going to have.  We drink the same water that the dinosaurs drank!  Even if we find water on Mars or the Moon, we’ll have to use it there and we won’t be bringing it back to Earth.
To celebrate World Water Day, March 22nd this year,world water day we’re having a “Water is priceless …” Contest
Tell us in 15 words or less why water is the most
important substance on the planet. 
Winner gets an eco-friendly reusable water bottle. 
            Contest deadline is Monday March 22, 2021.
Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png.