How can I get involved?


Sign up: Subscribe for the Ardsley Connect E-Newsletter. It is a great way to learn about the status of the Comprehensive Plan implementation as well as other Village news and events. Click here to subscribe.

  • Website: Explore the interactive tools and information included on this website. Map insights, share ideas and view those shared by others, identify your neighborhood and share ideas on how to improve it by visiting review documents and share feedback.
  • Events: A series of events are planned where you can make your voice heard. These will be a mix of virtual and in-person get togethers to ensure everyone can share in the way that is most comfortable to them! Visit the Meetings page to learn more about our outreach calendar, view agendas, and read event summaries!
  • Mix-Match: In addition to online, in-person and virtual events, there will also be opportunities to connect and share via focus groups, interviews, texting or simply by picking up the phone.