What is the Ardsley Comprehensive Plan all about?

A comprehensive plan provides a guide to coordinated, long-range growth and development. The plan will provide the goals, policies and projects to implement the Village’s vision. The Board of Trustees along with the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee has created a blueprint for the community’s future development and preservation, guiding physical and economic development and addressing social and environmental concerns.

The Village of Ardsley’s Comprehensive Plan sets out a vision and framework to enhance the Village’s residential character by improving connectivity, continuing the delivery of excellent municipal services, and positioning the Village’s Central Business District as an active and economically vibrant hub of Village life, while protecting and prudently managing the Village’s natural resources in a resilient and sustainable manner.

This vision revolves around these five main themes:

  1. Provide
  2. Strengthen
  3. Connect
  4. Build
  5. Protect