Sustainable Westchester Webinar

Event Date: 
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 - 7:00pm to 8:00pm

Tuesday, March 15, 7- 8pm webinar via Zoom.

Register at or call (914) 242-4725 ext. 122

Are your latest Con Ed bills concerning? Consider the possibility of lowering your monthly energy expenses while improving the comfort of your home and reducing the climate impact of harmful greenhouse gasses. Efficient home solutions may help to offset energy rate increases impacting your household budget.

As a Clean Energy Community, the Village of Ardsley is teaming with NYSERDA and Sustainable Westchester to provide timely expertise and rebate information to Westchester homeowners about home heating and cooling improvements and upgrades.

The presentation will cover a range of energy efficient options from an insulation audit & retrofitting, water heater innovations, and optimal replacements for inefficient systems.